It’s What You Get for Complaining

Yeah, so Sundays are usually better.  But I guess since I complained about Saturday, the Gods or Karma decided to make me thankful for how things could have been worse by…giving me worse.

First of all, they broke the rule.  They meaning the kids.  On the weekend they are not suppose to get me up to do anything until 8am.  They are suppose to sit in my room and watch TV until 8!  Middle Child work me up at quarter to 7 wanting cereal.  Then Youngest Child woke up and decided to eat cereal too.  Then Oldest Child woke up and didn’t want cereal…until the other two had finished.  Blah!

Let’s add some more, shall we?

My brother decides to cook breakfast all after the fact…and wants a full course meal.  So it takes him like an hour or so.  On top of that he told the kids they could have some, so therefore they are buzzing and impatient.  Great!  I’m hungry because I haven’t eaten and I am irritable.  There are like a thousand dishes to wash and he’s still cooking.   So I start to help wash dishes and move things along.

In the middle of such, kids running around, wanting food, asking questions, crying etc.  Dad comes in the kitchen.  In the middle of this chaos I happen to mention that my niece is on her way over because I was going to watch her while her parents went to a ball game.   I then get a response that did not sit well with me.  First he asks what I had planned for them.  Nothing.  I had planned on staying home with my own 3 kids and adding one more was not going to make much of a difference and it helped her parents out.  Besides the fact that I think it is ok to do a family member a favor without a reason.  Something to the fact that next time I should check with him, or when he’s worked the day before and has to work the next day…something something…football.   Which basically just pissed me off.  I mean I took it as again I should cater to him and make sure his world is ok before all else.  I was really not in the mood, still hungry, having a nicotine fit, kids running around. 


On top of the fact he just doesn’t say stuff right most of the time.  Arrggghhh!

So then on top of everything else that had gone on and was going on, now I’m all geeked up on trying to keep the kids manageable so it doesn’t disturb him.  Which gives me more anxiety.  Then, the kids keep asking me for food and snacks and I make them wait and wait.  I finally fix lunch, not call them to lunch but just prepare the food and here he comes.  They just ate a few hours ago, you don’t need to feed them all that, you shouldn’t teach them to overeat. 

OMG!!!  Still having a nicotine fit (out of smokes hadn’t gone to the store nor borrowed a few bucks to do so), still trying to keep the kids quiet and occupied and behaved.  And then this.  Almost lost it.  But he backtracked and tried to make it better.  That helped.  Said he wasn’t trying to get on me. Said I didn’t have to do things just for his sake (which I do, which he thinks everyone should).  Then he was like oh yeah, thanks for trying to get them fed before the housekeeper came to clean up the kitchen.



At least he backtracked.  At least he stepped back and saw that I was trying to do a lot.


The day went better after that.  I got my nicotine fix, got the kids out of the house and then the day was almost over.

Whew!  Not many people say that they are looking forward to the work week starting.  I do.  Kids go to the sitter/school.  I get to go away from my dad.  Get to be around people where I feel competent.

Yea! Monday!

Last cigarette for the night.  My brother and I talking just fine. Then here he (Dad) comes for a heart to heart and we have to sit and listen.

I gotta go to bed.

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